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Townsend, Tennessee

Townsend, Tennessee sits on the edge of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. As I sit in my friend Betty Jones’ beautiful home, I can look across the park, the peaks silhouetted against the sky and the valleys below filled with the smokey fog that has given these mountains their name. It is an amazingly energetic and spiritual place.

We arrive here 2 days ago and in our brief time here I have already experienced my first yoga class (imagine, almost 60 and never been yoga’ed), where I was reassured that not doing perfect poses was simply a crack and that cracks are important as they let the light in. I also had a session, along with Jim and Betty, in heart math, an amazing tool which provided strategies for creating coherence between your head and your heart and shifting into a heart space. I can see the benefits of this for all of us and for working with coaching clients.

Our inaugural ME FIRST event is this evening at Migun, TN. I am excited and anxious, that wonderful mix of anticipation that comes before every series of events. In the next 10 days we have 7 events planned and I am holding space and the intention that the perfect folks attend each event and that I am able to make that heart connection with each one.

I am very comfortable here. How wonderful it is to have homes to travel to and to feel the warmth and intentions that our hosts have seeded in their own environments. Did you know that you can do that? It is really so easy, simply opening the space, releasing any energies within the space that no longer serve the occupants and inviting in the energies that are in everyone’s highest good. For effect you can smudge, with sage or incense. It works. I prepare my space like this before every ME FIRST event. It is a way of welcoming in spirit, purifying and creating a safe environment for all who gather.

I believe a hike in the mountains is the order of the day before our event this evening. To each of you, open space, and attract all that is in your highest good.

Until next time….


0 thoughts on “Townsend, Tennessee

  1. Sounds like you’re having a wonderful trip, guys. Enjoy hearing about it with your periodic check-ins.

  2. Sounds Beautiful!! This is one of my favorite parts of the world, Betty! Give yourself a big bear hug from me!!

  3. I’ve just discovered your work and book, Me First, and I read your blogs. Will you be coming back this way (I live in E. TN)? I’d LOVE to attend an event if you do! I’m reading Me First–it was lent to me by a friend of yours who knows I’m going thru a low ebb of life-changing events, feeling hopeless. Your book has gone a long way towards “letting the light in” thru a crack. There is hope. I loved your take on turning 60–I am 62 this month…still feel like I’m 20 inside but I have lived my life without intent and a sense of purpose and I want that to change. Thank you for the work you do.

    1. Liv;

      Thanks for your comments. I will be returning to Townsend although no dates have been set as yet. In the meantime I also write a monthly newsletter which you can sign up for through our website My intention with the newsletter and the blog is to continue to support the journeys of others, even though this is at a distance. I also offer one to one coaching should this be of interest to you. It sounds like being intentional is what is up for you at thie time in your life. 62 is young and you have much to offer the world. Time to be clear!


  4. Thank you for responding, Betty. Yes, I want so much now to have clarity about where I want to be and what I want to be doing and…what is my real work here? I am done with happenstance living and not creating the life I envision.
    Small problem there…have to have the vision, Liv! Time’s a-wastin’, as we say here in the South. The word “intention” is new to my vocabulary within the past year, but it keeps appearing. How do I find out more about one-to-one coaching?
    My best, Liv

    1. Liv;

      Having a vision is often illusive, especially when so many of us live our lives for others. Then one day we wake up and wonder, what is it I really want? And then a new journey begins.

      If you would like to explore coaching as an option, I suggest we set up a time and date to speak and have a coaching consultation. You book was sent 2 days ago as well. You can send me an e-mail at and we can set a date. Look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy the weekend although I hear it is pretty warm in Tennessee at the moment.


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