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The Ripple Effect

So few people recognize the influence they actually have, whether that is among friends and family or where they work. You might be thinking to yourself, “Really. It doesn’t feel like that most of the time, in fact, I feel like I have no say what so ever.” And I understand that point of view as it is a view I once held.

My beliefs have however, shifted. The more I have studied the Law of Attraction, the more that I understand that what lives inside of me, my beliefs, my values, and my thoughts, are largely responsible for what I attract and experience in the world. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. It is magnetic in that sense. Imagine that you are a magnet and that everything going on in your internal environment, your head and your heart, is exactly what you will draw into your life. Like attracts like.

Now you may be concerned about this because you are suddenly aware that what you have been focused on is not exactly positive, in fact it may be downright ugly and spirit depleting. No need to worry. You can change this by shifting your focus.

To begin the process imaging that you are a pebble, a beautiful multi-colored and multi-faceted one filled with vibrant energy. You are now dropped into a smooth glassy surface of water by some great universal force. Are you with me so far? As you envision this, notice what happens the moment you as a pebble strike the surface of the water. The point of contact sends out a series of ripples.

The water represents the water line of life. With you as a pebble, recognize that you get to consciously choose what energy you infuse in that waterline. You can choose to fuel those ripples with kindness, love, respect and joy or, on by contrast, with meanness, fear, judgment and ‘ich’.

Knowledge of this important ‘Ripple Effect’ is critical in shifting your life and using that old phrase ‘turning your life around’. It asks you to become consciously aware, every day, of the influence you want to have in the world. This is where your power gets fueled, for once you decide, you begin to attract a different energy from the outside world as well.

Imagine this: you wake up in the morning. Before jumping into your day, you take a few precious moments to consider the day ahead of you. Review the landscape
– who will you be with?
– what work will you be engaged in?
– what meetings will you be attending?
– what will you be doing?

Once you have a sense of what is before you, decide what your intention is for each situation. How do you want people to experience you? What do you want to add to any interaction at work?

You might decide on something like:
– I make heartfelt connections with everyone who crosses my path.
– I make a positive contribution to any projects I take on.
– I am open to new opportunities that come my way.
– I am a source of inspiration and joy.

Once you have formulated your intentions and offered them to the Universe, begin your day. Watch for the roadSIGNS, the small yet significant clues that your intentions are making a difference. And, most importantly, notice how others respond to you and how the energy around you shifts.

None of YOU are small, in fact you are much larger than you imagine. As soon as you turn your attention to living consciously and intentionally, your life begins to shift and your influence magnifies. Remember, thoughts and beliefs are intentions and if your thoughts and beliefs are tainted with the negative, your life reflects the same energy. You get to choose which field you play in, to be a beneficial influence to the world or a detrimental one. It begins with you and your intentions.

Here is my challenge to you – begin each day with intentions which are positive. You can even use the ones written above – I offer these to you. Practice doing this for 21 days (it takes 21 days to embed a new habit) and see what happens. Why not – you have nothing to lose except to begin to shift your life to a new place. Let me know what happens!

Until next time….


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