I am sitting in my friend Betty Jones’ house, propped up in bed. As I glance out the window to my right the Great Smokey mountains fall away in layers, shades of grey with the early morning fog lingering in the valleys, the fog that gives this sacred place its name. We have been here for two days visiting friends. Each time I return here I feel a deeper connection. There is a sacredness here, an ancient history, a sense that spirit and spirits reside here, a place to clear your head and be open to receive. Yesterday, as we trekked into the mountains following Betty’s lead, we traced through mountain meadows lined with flowers, took in water falls, smelled the forest floor, and imagined how the landscape will change which each new season and each new bloom.
Along the path, when you allow it, spirit speaks to you. The events of the world are not evident here. All sound reflects nature and nature only; it speaks of peace and beauty and perhaps most importantly, it speaks of what is truly important – the earth. I am reminded how important it is to be in places such of this, away from the frenetic pace each of us gets caught up in and the illusion of what seems to be important. Very little of it is and I believe that if I could convince each person to simply stop, breathe, and really communicate with Mother Earth, we would remember why we came here in the first place.
At then end of our day, back home, the rains came followed by the late afternoon light and that magical event – a rainbow. This for me is the ultimate SIGN for hope, and peace, and love, and yes the gold that lies at the end. Let us mine this gold and remember, today and everyday, the important of what is right before us. Let us remember what we are here to do and who we are called to be. Let us listen to the media and what the pundants tell us with great scepticism for this is not the truth of the world.
From my philosophical space of spirit this morning, I send you this invitation and ask you to be more conscious of what surrounds you and to create space to communicate with spirit, as you know it, every day. Let this be your guide. We have entered an important era in the evolution of humanity, birthing a new way for each of us to BE in the world.
Until next time,