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I AM ON VACATION!  It’s true, even the author of the book ME FIRST – If I Should Wake Before I Die has trouble slowing down. It’s not that I lack being time every day as I have learned the importance of the 1% rule, dedicating at least 15 minutes to myself everyday. It’s just that when you own your own business and you love what you do, you sometimes forget to stop and breathe and take an actual day off.

I found myself lollygagging  in bed this morning. I had scheduled myself for a 7:30 a.m. walk, but when the alarm went off, I simply curled up with Tasha, one of the four felines in our home, and continued to doze. Oh that felt so good! I finally made my way to the front porch where I found the sun shining warmly, and after applying a liberal coat of sun screen (my derm. would shoot me if she found me in the sun naked!) I started reading a book I have been working on for a few weeks and which has triggered my impatience – what will happen?

The gardens are also calling to me – I like to putter around, weeding, digging, dead heading. The thing with gardens is that they change everyday and if you don’t take the time to appreciate them you will miss something. And isn’t that like life.

Jim and I have this daily mantra, roadSIGNS is open for business. We are attracting opportunities, potentialities and possibilities to expand our work in the world. New perfect clients are entering the doors of our business and we are showered with amazing abundance everyday. And yes, that mantra continues even during our ‘staycation’ as I have learned that part of attracting new business is creating space, emptiness. You can’t attract new possibilities and so on, if the space is too full. And so my work at this moment is to release all that no longer serves me in a very conscious way, the old ways of doing things and some of me being habits as well. That takes breath, reflection, relaxation, and simply stopping.

I hope you are taking some vacation time this summer as well and that you have the wisdom not to pack it full of activities for you, your husband and possibly your kids. There is nothing wrong with that, I simple want to suggest that you schedule ME FIRST time for yourself and create the space for your own spiritual expansion. You might be surprised at what comes in. I’ll keep you posted regarding my own discoveries.

Until next time…


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Sharp Edges

I am thoroughly enjoying the summer weather we have been experiencing in Eastern Ontario. Yes there is the occasional steamy day, but for the most part the days have been hot and the nights cool. How perfect is that?

Each morning I sit on my front porch with Jim, sipping my morning shake, breathing in the aroma of the flowers and communing with the nature that surrounds us. When I focus on these surroundings, I have noticed that there are days when the edges are sharp and days when the edges are soft. Sharp edge days happen when the weather is hot yet dry, the nights cool or there has just been a refreshing shower. When you look out at the gardens everything is fresh and crisp, the plants alert and singing, shadows clearly defined.

By contrast, the soft edge days are those humid ones where the air is heavy. Life in the gardens looks fuzzy and blurred.

It seems to me that life is also full of sharp and soft edges. When you embrace a sharp edged perspective, you are clear, crisp and clean. You know what it is you want and, as a result, you are able to move forward with your life. You set a course for yourself and take the steps to move in that direction. You have a clear sense of boundaries. You know where and when to say ‘YES’ and, more importantly, when to say ‘NO’. You have defined your core values, those important principles by which you choose to live. Sharpness means clarity.

Softness implies the opposite. You are unclear about what you want and find yourself focused on what you don’t want. As a result, little in your life changes because you keep attracting the same things over and over again. As a result, your life is on hold. Your edges, your boundaries, are fuzzy and blurred, perhaps even non-defined. You find yourself saying ‘YES’ to any request and frequently find yourself overburdened or overwhelmed.

As a life coach-consultant, it is clear to me that the clients who choose the path of sharp edges, manifest the life they really want. They embrace the idea of clarity, naming what they want and follow this with clear actions that match what they want. They step-up fully to their full potential and to everything life has to offer them. They are amazed that when they actually take the time to be clear and sharp, what they want manifests quickly.

If you are living a soft edge life, is it time to shift? If you are ready, take the following steps.

First turn all of your ‘do not wants’ into ‘do wants’. What most people don’t recognize is that wherever your attention goes, energy flows. That is to say, when you focus on what you don’t want, you get more of it.

Second, take action. Action implies doing something specific that takes you in the direction of what you want. It may also be a new way of being such as believing in yourself, believing you are worthy of having what you want, and turning down the volume of your self-critic.

Finally, establish your personal boundaries and start being clear about your ‘YES’s’ and ‘NO’s’. Assess what is important and meaningful to you and what is yours to own. If a request is made of you and intuitively you know it is not yours to own, chances are it belongs to someone else.

These are the three easy steps for living in the land of sharp edges.

Are you ready?


Until next time…


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Growing Pains

There are moments in your life when it feels like something is shifting. If you are asked to pinpoint exactly what it is, you hesitate because it is difficult to name. You have a sense that you are approaching a new junction in your life, perhaps related to career, relationships, or simply how you are choosing to live every day. It is almost like holding your breath.

I refer to these moments as growing pains. You may be thinking, “I haven’t had growing pains since I was a teenager.” Well look again. Take a glance back over your life and ask yourself, when has my life changed directions in some way or another. I sincerely hope your response is not “NEVER’.

In my baby boomer generation there was a notion which I really never understood and that was one job, one set of lifelong friends, perhaps even one home. Is it only me or was that the ultimate fallacy. And it has not been my experience.

I am not judging you if it was yours but you have to admit that somewhere along the way your life changed course with or without you and you were forced to look at life differently than what was once promised to you. Certainly as time goes on, and each subsequent generation enters the workforce, these promises have changed significantly. Now we prepare young adults for the possibility of 3-4 careers over a lifetime, frequent changes in geographical location, and virtual relationships through social networking. It is rapidly becoming a different world. Growing pains.

These describe the external variables. The landscape within you is another world of shifts and changes. Who among you would say that you are the same person you were ten years ago or even yesterday. Every moment of every day adds a new experience to your life. It would be foolish for us to think that we are not changed by life’s events. And why would we want to be static anyway when life is a dynamic process. Changes can be trying and change can be exciting and for some reason all change is perfect. It may not feel so at the time, but let me assure you that everything within your life occurs for a reason. Growing pains.

But what do you do with all this growth, with this sense that something inside you is changing. Do you have control over it? Can you give this change within you direction? Absolutely. The first step is to choose to be conscious, to be aware that you sense a change occurring. Secondly be curious and ask yourself, and your higher power if you ascribe to the idea of the Universe, what it all means. Third, watch for the roadSIGNS that are appearing all around you. This is where being aware and paying attention becomes very important. Forth, relax, be in the energy of change; embrace it and go with the flow.

Growing pains – this is what makes life an interesting journey. Be honest – would you have it any other way? Welcome aboard the change train. You might as well come along for the ride ‘cause with or without you the train is pulling out of the station. It is time to change, time to stretch and yes, time to grow in ways you had not even considered. WeHoo!

Until Next Time…


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The Platinum Rule

I’m not sure about you, by my recollection is that every preacher or teacher I ever had told me I had to live by the ‘Golden Rule”. You remember it I am sure: ‘Do onto others as you would have done onto you’.

In principle, the Golden Rule is absolutely sound. Of course I want to treat others as I wish to be treated, and, that said, I want to be treated with respect, dignity, and unconditional love. I am also attracted to certain qualities in others, some of which mirror who I am and some of which are quite different. I dislike really loud argumentative people. I don’t care for those people who are really ‘in your face’ and gratingly opinionated. I also dislike people who get buried in detail and by contrast are all over the map. That’s just me.

Noticing what I like and dislike in others  is  interesting. What about those others who are very different from me. Someone who is that ‘in your face’ kind of guy may find me rather plodding and withdrawn. Not that I am, but as his/her opposite, that may be their perception.

So back to the Golden Rule – does it really hold?

Or is it time for an update and consider the Platinum Rule – Do onto others as they would have done onto them. The Platinum Rule challenges us by saying that what others want may differ from what we want.

From my work in the area of communications I know this to be true. Based on the work of Carl Jung, it has been demonstrated that different energies, introvert versus extrovert, thinking versus feeling or sensing (detailed) versus intuitive (conceptual) do vary in how they communicate with others and how they want others to communicate with them.

In teaching a program entitled the Colour of Communication for one of my clients over the past 14 months, I share with workshop participants the four colour energies of personality. Again, based on Carl Jung’s work, each energy represents a specific set of preferences. The Red Energy, representing the Extraverted Thinker, wants you to communicate logically and offer few details. By contrast the Blue Energy (Introverted Thinking) prefers details, details, details. Then there is the Yellow Energy (Extraverted Feeling) who considers the Blue Energy to be stuck in analysis paralysis because he just wants to move fast and have some fun along the way. Finally we have the Green Energy (Introverted Feeling), working quietly and diligently behind the scenes while focusing on how people are doing. Yes, this is a very brief summary, but you get the picture.

Each of us is different and with these differences come a strong preference for how we wish to be treated, how we want others to communicate with us, and how we want to be in relationships with others. Evidently there is no one size fits all and the Golden Rule needs and update.

I actually love the idea that each person is unique. The colour energy lens is just another way to look at oneself and it raises some interesting questions from a coaching perspective. While your colour energy preferences is clearly your strength and representative of your authentic self, any preference overused becomes a potential weakness. Overall, our colours are what make us tick and the difference, one to another, make the world an interesting place to live and work in.

Are you wondering what your colour preference is? Here’s a set of characteristics we often attribute to the four energies:

RED: Competitive, Demanding, Determined, Strong-willed, Purposeful

YELLOW: Sociable, Dynamic, Demonstrative, Enthusiastic, Persuasive

GREEN: Caring, Encouraging, Sharing, Patient, Relaxed

BLUE: Cautious, Precise, Deliberate, Questioning, Formal

You will see elements of yourself in all colour energies and yet you will recognize that one energy is more descriptive of you than the other. Also notice that you have a second strong colour so that in the end, your colour energy preference is best described a s a Yellow-Red or a Yellow-Green. Like mixing paint, the second colour energy has a significant influence on the first.

Have some fun and play with the energies. and remember, the person sitting next to you will be different from you and may not want to be treated in the same way you want. And that simply makes life interesting!

Have fun…

Until next time,


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Do No Harm

A coaching client of mine recently shared with me the idea of Bullying by omission. Curious, I asked her what this meant. She shared that this type of bullying is subtle and insidious, occurring behind a person’s back. It is bullying through exclusion, gossip, decision-making and more. With this post, I begin exploring the idea of bullying by omission – gossip. Continue reading Do No Harm

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I Want to RANT!

I want to RANT!

I think I have been watching too much of Rick Mercer lately as I find myself with RANT – envy. Why do I want to rant – another federal election! More importantly I want to rant because of how the campaign is being run, by all parties. Do these politicians think we are so stupid that we can’t see through all their negative politicking? Is it only me or are you also tired of our federal politicians picking away at the flesh of their fellow political leaders like a bunch of vultures at a road kill buffet. I am tired of it!

Negative politicking is, in my view, a way of telling us that they really either: a) have no idea what their platform is or what they as leaders (I use the word lightly here) stand for or b) they really have no idea what we as Canadians think is important. No wonder the number of voters are declining – we are not clear about what we are voting for, we can only decide which of the evil triplets (I don’t count Duceppe) is the least harmful.

I will take a deep breath at this point – I feel better. I am not however, changing the subject. There is a saying that a country gets the government it deserves. I really dislike this saying. As I survey the political landscape of Canada and the paucity of true leadership that exists at the national level, I realize that somehow we as Canadian citizens have attracted this. I know that as you read this, you are probably throwing your hands in the air and saying not me! I know I have done so and yet I acknowledge that I am partly responsible. For years, like many of you, I have focused on what I dislike about our federal leaders. I have complained and yes, as you know, I have ranted. Not once however have I come up for air and stipulated what, in my view, would be more perfect for me. I have not focused on what I really want from my political leaders, I have been too busy focusing on what I don’t want. The Law of Attraction would tell me that by doing so, I am actually attracting more of what I don’t want.

So I suppose I should simply get off my high horse and get down to earth and become really clear about what it is I really want.

Here goes – my perfect political leader:
• has a compelling vision for our country which inspires me and my fellow Canadians
• has a political agenda which addresses the important issues our country faces
• clearly articulates their vision and their platform to me
• are values-centered and principled/ethical
• believe in and support the Canadian political system
• are honest
• communicate their views passionately, from both their head and their heart
• are environmentally conscious and forward thinking
• focus their attention on communicating who they are and what they stand for rather than criticizing their opponents
• are respectful of us, the Canadian voters
• are in touch with the reality of Canadian society and what our real needs are.

I now hand this over to you with the following invitation – let’s stop complaining and start acting. Your first action is to become clear on what you really want and expect from our Canadian leaders. Use my list as a kick start if you want.

Okay – you can rant too if you really want to! But then take the time to clarify your expectations. This is the only way we can create change.

Until next time… Betty

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Mining Diamonds

In the February edition of the roadSIGNS newsletter, I shared with my readers the following:

I want to tell you, in case you have yet to realize it, that each of you has a diamond within you. Your diamond represents all the special aspects of you that make you unique, whether this is a specific talent you possess, the gift your presence gives to others, the strengths you bring to the things you do, or simply just the way you ’be’ in this world.

 I want to remind you, that this diamond grows dull and unpolished as it gets covered over by self-criticism, lack of self esteem, unworthy thoughts and self-limiting beliefs, and simply not seeing the miracle of who you are. And it is easy to do this, as when we fail to appreciate the truth of who we are, it is difficult to be seen by others.

I am here to remind you that you are a miracle and that I SEE YOU! I am here to ask you to search for the diamond that you may have lost track of and to take out a soft cloth and begin polishing this stone to a sparkling brilliance. It is time for your light to shine in this world, and, as Marianne Williamson wrote, “As you let your light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same.”

Since writing this, the theme of Mining Diamonds continues to show up for me and it seems that with each additional thought I have regarding the subject, I have a roadSIGN, yes actual SIGNS. It started in Charleston with Diamond Cleaners, then Columbia with the Diamond Plaza, on to New York with Diamond Point. Each sign appeared during a conversation I was having with Jim. And so it is, that my life /spirit speaks to me, assuring me that the road I find myself on is the perfect one and inviting me to continue along this path.

Our life speaks to us – interesting don’t you think. What is your life saying to you? And, are you mining your diamond – trust me, it’s in there!

Until next time,


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Full Moon

As our vacation on Kiawah Island draws to a close, Jim and I are taking in those important beach walks, this evening to the light of an almost full moon. The weather here is finally warming up and as we strolled along this evening, it felt down right balmy.

In the final days, I can feel myself gearing up, first gear – beginning to think about the journey home, second gear – initial thoughts about what awaits us when we land back at TighShee. That’s as far as I have gotten so far – fortunately for me I drive a five speed Versa, so I have a few more gears to shift into before being in full speed.

We have enjoyed the southern cities of Charleston, Savannah and today, Columbus. By far, our favourite is Charleston. Love the older homes, the feel of the city.

As we drove to Columbus today, we (Jim and I) began to chat about the idea we have for the next book – Mining Diamonds – The many Facets of Self (working title only!) The Diamond analogy comes from the idea that each of us have a diamond inside of us, a diamond which many of us don’t see. As we pulled off the highway in Columbus, in search of gas and bathrooms, one of the first SIGNS we saw was for Diamond Plaza. Was this a SIGN for us we wondered. Always interesting to notice your surroundings. Stay tuned for how this idea grows.

Until next time…


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Valentines and More

I checked my e-mail this morning, the day after Valentine’s Day and found the following message from Michelle Allinotte:

Love Stories for Valentine’s Day
by Candice N. Aiston

In my adult life, I have learned a lot about love, and I guess the biggest thing I’ve learned is that love is not a feeling, love is the things we do. Do you remember what you thought about love when you were younger? I remember thinking that love must be thrilling, exhilarating and blissful. My ideas about love probably started with some Disney movie, and then continued with 90210 and whatever other TV shows and movies I was into as a teenager. Although I heard from many grown-ups in my live that “love is in an action”, I didn’t really grasp that until I was older. 

The truth is, most of us are suckers for love stories, but not the unsexy stories that focus on real acts of love.  We like romance.  And when it comes to our kids, we enjoy those special warm and fuzzy moments like Christmas or birthdays, but we don’t feel warm and fuzzy about the loving acts that we do every day.  Changing a diaper is a loving act, trust me.  (Consider the alternative.)  Going to work every day is a loving act.  Making sacrifices to raise your kids according to your beliefs is a loving act.  Sometimes, sacrificing the feel-good moments for the greater good is a loving act (like when you have to say no to something your kid wants to buy, because you are spending that money on something more important, like contributing to your retirement account).


I am grateful to Michelle and Candice for sharing this after so much to do about the perfect Valentine’s gift, flowers, chocolates, diamonds. What about simply being with another person in a truly meaningful way.

All this from the person whose husband celebrates the 14 days of Valentines, a now 20-year tradition in our home and yes, everyday for 14 days, Jim presents me with a small token of his appreciation for me and our relationship. I enjoy January as I can see Jim sneaking off to do his pre-Valentine shopping and then harbouring the gifts into the house to some secret hiding place. Occasionally I come upon them accidentally – NO, I don’t peek!

Back to the meaning of LOVE – I love what Candice shared about love also being about boundaries as well as those essential caring acts that may not be things we love to do. Most importantly, in my view, love is about being in love with yourself as well, an act of selfness, valuing who you are. When we see ourselves first we can truly see others.

I just returned from a sunrise walk on the beach. I admit that I debated leaving my warm bed for the coolness of the still winter mornings, but I forced my body into my yoga suit and dragged myself out the front door. Once the colour of the morning sky assaulted my senses, I was no longer drawn back to my cocoon. There was no other human being on the beach as I began my walk. A few seagulls eyed me from their one-legged stance, like yogi maters in their own right. Teams of willets ran in and out with the waves, digging their pointed beaks into the sand between their dances, in search for whatever prize lay hidden there. A single pelican flew across the water, inches above the breaking waves, a dark shadow on a pale pink backdrop. I watched the colour in sky change from sky blue pink to orange to yellow, until finally the crescent of the new sun broke free of the water, and rose and came into the full ball of fire. The waves picked up the light, sparkling with the new day, reflecting back to the sun the magnificence of its light. My head filled with an old refrain from Joni Mitchell, “And the seasons they go round and round, And the painted ponies go up and down. I am captive on a carousel of time”. It’s one of my long-term favourites  – a carryover from university days.

We have a few precious days left here at the beach. I am so grateful for the experience of being here, for simply BEING for a few days, for quality time with Jim, for experiencing our love which has extended over 43 years, for life, and for all the possibilities that stretch out before me.

Be with love!

Until next time,


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I Am Back!

It has been three months since my last post. No, I won’t bore you with the usual trite excuse ‘where did the time go’? It went and here I am once again. I took some time off after landing myself in the hospital in late November. The time was booked off for a vacation in Stowe Vermont, meaning the good news was I had the time to be sick. I had set an intention of complete relaxation, spending my days in bed, signing off from any and all responsibility and being looked after and pampered. Well guess what I got – what I asked for with the exception of course that I did not bargain on having this sejour in a hospital bed.

As I believe that life really is a series of perfect events, I recognize that my life was speaking to me and offering me the break I wanted in a form I had not anticipated. I had ample time for reflection and in that reflection I was working through something that had been brewing as a theme in my life. There had been multiple roadSIGNS by the way, and as we as humans are wanton to do, I had been sorta dealing with them and sorta not.

The body, mind, spirit connection is amazing. When I failed to honour my spirit, my body decided to give me the wake-up call I needed. It shut down literally, my bowel obstructing and, well, you get the picture.

What was up. I was feeling an enormous sense of responsibility in my life, a long-term pattern I admit. Responsibility for everything – projects, work, people, everyone and everything my life touched. Have you ever felt that way? And in this place, I was shutting down. There was no space for my curiosity, my desire to learn and to expand, to create – the space was full of all the have to’s and must do’s. I have visited this place before and one would think that I would have moved on. Yes, and there is a new lesson to be learned each time I arrive here.

Since then, I decided to give myself additional time to breathe and to evaluate where all my energy was being invested. I like that word – invested. Wouldn’t it be interesting if all of us made an appraisal on a regular basis as to where our time is invested and in this process assessed what is really ours and what is not. Wow! I am signing on for that.

Currently I am on vacation in South Carolina. We arrived here on February 7th, a small condo on the beach, Kiawah Island just outside of Charleston. We have many friends in the south – Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and my apologies to all of you as we will not be seeing you on this trip. I have learned that a visitation is different from a vacation. I love and enjoy my friends and there are simply times when I am ‘peopled out’. And this is a good thing, as on this vacation it has been Jim and I, the beach and the sand dunes, several varieties of sea birds, books, sleep, meditation, and romance movies. Oh yes, and we did squeeze in a concert – the Indigo Girls as well as a play, Raisin in the Sun.

Something else has shifted. As I released the responsibility that seemed to be weighting me down and shifted into flow, being where I wanted to be with my work in this world and accepting only what is truly mine, I did find the space to once again be curious and excited. And I am wanting to share this with all of you through my blog. Who reads me – a few and eventually more. I want to write here from a sense of true desire and love rather than obligation and responsibility – you will know the difference.

What excites me these days: A lot!
– we are launching our ME FIRST Leadership Program, a five-day in-house retreat in April. This is a leadership from the inside out program as well as teaching others an in-depth view of our work.
– the ME FIRST Playbook has been written in draft form and will be coming out later this year. it is whimsical and creative, the right brain version of the book, ME FIRST, If I Should Wake Before I Die.
– we will be recording the Chakra meditation we use during our retreats in March
– we see all the SIGNS that ME FIRST is going corporate as more and more people understand that to change what they want around them, they must first look inside.
– we are launching some new self discovery tools this spring -more to come!
– finally I am excited about the emerging field of Positive Psychology, the study of happiness and what makes people thrive. You can see the relevance to our work here at the roadSIGNS Coach.

I am back! I hope you will choose to take a few moments from your busy days to travel with me on the journey of 2011, that you will comment on the blog, ask questions and be attracted to our work. I hope you too will choose to be curious and I will keep you posted as to where my curiosity lands me.

Until next time….
