In the February edition of the roadSIGNS newsletter, I shared with my readers the following:
I want to tell you, in case you have yet to realize it, that each of you has a diamond within you. Your diamond represents all the special aspects of you that make you unique, whether this is a specific talent you possess, the gift your presence gives to others, the strengths you bring to the things you do, or simply just the way you ’be’ in this world.
I want to remind you, that this diamond grows dull and unpolished as it gets covered over by self-criticism, lack of self esteem, unworthy thoughts and self-limiting beliefs, and simply not seeing the miracle of who you are. And it is easy to do this, as when we fail to appreciate the truth of who we are, it is difficult to be seen by others.
I am here to remind you that you are a miracle and that I SEE YOU! I am here to ask you to search for the diamond that you may have lost track of and to take out a soft cloth and begin polishing this stone to a sparkling brilliance. It is time for your light to shine in this world, and, as Marianne Williamson wrote, “As you let your light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same.”
Since writing this, the theme of Mining Diamonds continues to show up for me and it seems that with each additional thought I have regarding the subject, I have a roadSIGN, yes actual SIGNS. It started in Charleston with Diamond Cleaners, then Columbia with the Diamond Plaza, on to New York with Diamond Point. Each sign appeared during a conversation I was having with Jim. And so it is, that my life /spirit speaks to me, assuring me that the road I find myself on is the perfect one and inviting me to continue along this path.
Our life speaks to us – interesting don’t you think. What is your life saying to you? And, are you mining your diamond – trust me, it’s in there!
Until next time,