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Back Home

We arrived home at 12:45 a.m Wednesday, March 24th after 18 hours of driving. Was this what we intended? NO, yet the closer we got to home, the stronger the urge was to continue driving. This must be the same instinct that calls geese back to their summer homes.

For much of the route to Georgia from Tennessee and then home I had no map. I realized how much I like maps – that visual image of where you are travelling. In fact I felt rather blind without it. We did however have a GPS system which of course was reliable and guided us  easily to our destination. Still I was lacking in trust!

Then I realized that in ME FIRST I assist others in identifying their PGS (Personal Guidance System) which of course has a similar purpose to your car’s GPS. Our PGS is established from our intentions and where we want to go. It is guided by our core values, our call to service and our tick (Your Authentic Voice or who you ‘BE’ in the world). I always teach my clients to trust it and to let it guide you to your destination.

Obviously I saw the parallels between my car’s GPS and my personal PGS and I was left wondering if I fully trusted my Personal Guidance System without the benefit of a map to give me all the details of the journey.

Once again I understood that intention is designed to open up the landscape of possibility and calls to us to enjoy the journey. Details, the map, are not necessary, and when I am not following a map I can raise my eyes and enjoy the scenery.

Back at home we are getting ready to facilitate a team retreat tomorrow using one of my favorite tools, Insights Discovery. This is a Jungian Psychometric System that provides an opportunity for individuals to learn more about themselves and then subsequently their team members. I always enjoy introducing teams to this material as it enhances communication and relationships among team members.

That’s the check in. Until next time…


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